About Legacy9

Legacy9 IndustriesLLC is a company that believes in honoring those who came before us and paved the way by exhibiting similar hardwork and dedication. We are a company that believes in representing the present with creativity, innovation and relentless will to satisfy our clients and who leads the charge into the future by preparing the next generation with empowerment, mentorship, coaching, leadership training and financial literacy programs that cultivate young minds and dreams. Legacy9 Industries LLC bridges the past, present and future by using the strengths of all as well as learning from their weaknesses. With this being our foundation we will always be at the forefront of industry, leading the charge. 

This is our LEGACY..... Let's build it together.

About the Founder

Meet William T Parker III the proprietor of Legacy9 Industries LLC. Son of William Thomas Parker Jr. and Alice Marie Kinney, father to William and Hunter. Mr. Parker is a native son of Philadelphia Pennsylvania,  born and raised in the north philly, strawberry mansion section of the city. Mr. Parker is a proud graduate of the Philadelphia  Public school system as he attended University City High School from 97-01 and starred as a top football prospect .In 2006 Mr. Parker leveraged his skills on the gridiron and signed his first professional football contract. For 10 years Mr. Parker dominated the gridiron winning 3 championships and tons of individual awards .  As a  former professional football player Mr. Parker displayed the ability to lead men in extremely challenging and competitive situations. Through hard work ,determination, will, fortitude, passion and faith of a mustard seed Mr. Parker was able to amass a great career between the lines on the gridiron. The lessons he has learned playing this great game has allowed him to embrace success in many other endeavors such as Entrepreneurship. In 2017 Mr. Parker started his first company in the trillion dollar Trucking industry TEAMPARKER LLC as a CDL class A owner operator. This journey taught him how to handle a different type of adversity and how to transition from one passion to the next. After two years of success in 2019 Mr. Parker started Legacy 9 Industries LLC and embraced a new challenge doing business with the federal government as a contractor. Being a successful entrepreneur  during the world's most difficult time, the pandemic. This made Mr. Parker realize many things and created a list of ten things to keep him grounded. 1. God comes first and he gets all the glory for any success he will experience. 2. life it's not what happens to you but more so what you do about it. 3. All things are not created equally and the victory doesn't always go to the strongest or fastest but to the one who endures the most. 4. Giving up is never an option  5. love your family through the good and the bad.6 always give back. 7. continue to educate yourself and others. 8. build up those who will come after you.9. Be thankful for what you have instead of always focusing on what you dont.10. Honor those who have come before you and paved the way with their sacrifice. In 2020 Mr Parker lost his best friend and biggest supporter, his mother Ms. Alice Marie Kinney to a rare condition called Necro Fasciitis. During this difficult time Mr. Parker refocused his attention on his creator as his new challenge began. During this time Mr. Parker was able to shift the vision and focus of legacy 9 Industries LLC and complete a successful restructuring of the company. Legacy9 Industries LLC now has expanded into several  industries bringing creativity, innovation and an iron will to be the best. Mr Parker is motivated by legacy and believes that it is his responsibility to be a conduit for the success of the next generation and will not stop until he serves his Godly purpose. Mr. Parker has many great quotes but truly lives by one “God created us to be interdependent and there is nothing any one person can do to be successful without help. It will always take us working together and partnering together to reach what we consider successful. This is our legacy…..Lets build it together”

Our mission here at Legacy9 Industries LLC is to be of service and provide exceptional products and services to THE WORLD. We are a small company with BIG ambition that reaches across the globe. We pride ourselves on the highest levels of customer service to give you the customer the greatest experience possible. No job is to big or small in regards to bringing that experience to you.

"In the same way, Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven"


My Inspiration

Alice M. Kinney BORN 9-6-53 PASSED 10-26-2020

William T. Parker, Jr. BORN 12-02-1940 PASSED 03-04-2005

The Fifth commandment says, Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land that the lord your god is giving you. This commandment, and the blessing attached to it, are repeated throughout the old and new testaments. 

I love you with every fiber in my being and will honor you until I see you again. Outside of God, you are the reason why I am everything I have been and will be. I owe you everything and will do everything in my power to pay that love back to you by proving your confidence and belief in me to be 100% accurate. Because you born me, you will forever be founders in everything we build. This bloodline is different and the world will see soon enough. #TEAMPARKER

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